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Steroids and candida

by Roz Bailey
(Hampshire, UK)

I understand that intestinal candida overgrowth can be caused by steroids. Is it possible that one single steroid injection into my spine might have caused mine? The symptoms began about 2 weeks or so after I had had the injection.

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Aug 30, 2012
by: Roz

Thank you for your reply which confirms what I thought about the steroid injection.
I actually had a complete stool analysis done by a lab in the US which confirmed some low beneficial gut flora and many yeast. I now am taking a good probiotic and am on an anti-candida diet which I think is working although slowly(I have some really wicked days). I cannot take anti-fungal herbal remedies as I have a peptic ulcer which they upset.

Aug 29, 2012
Candida is an opportunist...
by: Anti Aging Resourc Center

Hi Roz,

It really depends on how vulnerable your immune system was to begin with. If it was out of balance prior to your injection, then yes it is very likely that one shot provoked your yeast infection; as Candida is an opportunist!

Did you take a Candida home test? I just wonder because you state that you do have a yeast overgrowth infection. If you have not tested, it is very easy to take a Candida home test to find out for sure; if the symptoms you are experiencing are related to a Candida Overgrowth Infection.

To Your Healthy and Vitality!
Debra Bolton

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